Şubat 10, 2025

Sinop Haberleri: Güncel ve Tarafsız Son Dakika Haberler

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Kocaeli Büyükşehir Bandosu’ndan’Efsane’ konser

Kocaeli Büyükşehir Belediyesi Bando Takımı, Cumhuriyet Bulvarı’nda düzenlenen “Efsane Şarkılar” konseriyle vatandaşlara keyifli anlar yaşattı

KOCAELİ (İGFA) – Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Band Team continues to offer performances that add color to the city’s social and cultural life.

Within this scope, the Metropolitan Band Team gave a delightful concert on Izmit Cumhuriyet Boulevard consisting of “Legendary Songs”.

During the concert, unforgettable pieces like “Tükeneceğiz”, “Sevda”, “İstanbul İstanbul Olalı”, and “Duydum ki Unutmuşsun” were performed.

The audience accompanied the band team’s energetic performance, enjoying the songs and temporarily distancing themselves from the stress of daily life.

For the audience gathered on Cumhuriyet Boulevard, this concert became both a break and a joyful memory.

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